On Valentine's Day, when love is in the air, single people can feel even more isolated. Our poster project aims to change that by spreading messages of support and compassion.Featuring bright colors and inspiring quotes, our posters are designed to remind lonely people that they are not alone. They will be hung in public places such as bus stops, shopping centers and libraries.

Poster messages will include: 
"You are not alone. There are people who care about you." 
"Love comes in different forms. Open your heart to all types of love."
“Your worth does not depend on whether you have a romantic partner.”

We hope these posters bring comfort and hope to those feeling lonely this Valentine's Day. We want to create an environment of inclusivity and support, reminding everyone that they are loved and worthy of love.
Join us in spreading love and support on Valentine's Day. Hang up our posters, share them on social media and spread the message that lonely people are not lonely.

client: fictional
role: graphic disigner
art direction: Luchinina Anastasia
graphic designer: Kristina Smirnova

year: 2024


